The Yoro Model

The Yoro Model is a method of producing coffee designed to restore and conserve forest on coffee farms that is currently being demonstrated and refined in Yoro, Honduras.

The Yoro Model for Sustainable Coffee

Carbon-Neutral Coffee Production

Yoro Model is a system of sustainable coffee production that includes the initiative to create the largest officially protected biological forest corridor in Central America, setting an example for tropical forests worldwide.

The model is a combination of two unique features in coffee sustainability …

  1. Integrated Open Canopy™ land-sparing coffee agriculture and,
  2. Cafe Solar®; Carbon-Neutral Coffee Processing Factories

… Plus, organic cultivation, clean wet mill processing & composting, forest & watershed co-management, and accurate carbon sequestration measurements & accounting.

Forest Restoration in Coffee Regions

Yoro Model supports forest protection and restoration at a landscape level, and is currently active throughout the coffee regions that comprise the Yoro Biological Corridor.

Yoro Biological Corridor initiative is in the process of implementing 17 convergent restoration and production programs that seek the sustainable development of the region; which will have greater resilience through adaptation to climate change, while opening stable international markets for the exported products.

Research Partners


  • U.S. Forest Service (Department of Agriculture)
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Department of Interior)
  • Forest Conservation Institute (ICF)—Honduran Forest, Wildlife, and Park Service
  • Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SERNA/MiAmbiente)
  • The National Council for Sustainability (CONADES)
  • The College of Forest Engineers of Honduras (CIFH)
  • International Partners in Flight
  • The American Bird Conservancy
  • National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH)
  • The National Electric Utility (ENEE)
  • The Governor and 11 Municipalities of the Department of Yoro
  • The University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Tulane University
  • Cornell University
  • University of North Carolina at Wilmington
  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry
  • University of Southern Florida
  • Senators and Congressional Delegation of Massachusetts
  • Global Environment Facility (GEF) Secretariat
  • Birding Coffee, SA
  • Cooperativa Mixta Subirana Yoro Limitada (COMISUYL)
  • Co-Managers of Pico Pijol and Montaña de Yoro National Parks: Aecopijol, and FUNACH
  • Dr. Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace