
Videos are supplied by various stakeholders and illustrate the model and its on-the-ground activities; including, sustainable coffee production, forest restoration mapping, and carbon sequestration measurement.

Welcome to the Yoro Biological Corridor … an initiative to link eight Honduran forest parks threatened by conventional coffee production. It’s also the first forest corridor in Honduras to submit for legal protection, which will make it the first officially protected biological corridor in Central America! The Yoro Model is a method of growing coffee that conserves forest & processing that coffee using renewable energy. It is proving a solution for effectively reversing the negative environmental impacts of conventional coffee production.
Presentation regarding Integrated Open Canopy™ coffee farming by Dr. David King of the US Forest Service.
University of Massachusetts proudly supports Cafe Solar® at their on-campus cafe; solar-dried coffee from the Yoro Biological Corridor.
Field analysis of Slate-throated Whitestart; Native bird species studied on coffee farms near Pico Pijol National Park. (Language: Spanish)
Field analysis of Wilson’s Warbler; Migratory bird species studied on coffee farms near Pico Pijol National Park. (Language: Spanish)