The Yoro Biological Corridor is a science-based program. Here you will find key scientific studies and presentations pertaining to the Yoro Biological Corridor and associated Yoro Model activities.
Framework designed to best respond to ecological threats across shared landscapes, and useful for analyzing whether or not big solutions actually affect and reflect the things that people really care about at the grassroots level. (Dec 2023)
Authors: Ana Lorena Quiñónez Camarillo, and Timothy O. Randhir
Study that validates earlier findings that IOC farms provide much-needed habitat for the warblers not found in other coffee farming scenarios; Results that were originally demonstrated in Costa Rica and confirmed by Murillo’s study in Honduras. (Aug 2023)
Authors: David Murillo, Darío Alvarado, Fabiola Rodríguez-Vásquez, Caz Taylor, and David I. King.
Presentation poster on Integrated Open Canopy™ (IOC™) land-sparing coffee farming created for SCA Specialty Coffee Expo in Boston. (2022)
Authors: David Murillo, Darío Alvarado, Fabiola Rodríguez-Vásquez, Caz Taylor, and David I. King.
Research-based recommendations for the application of land-sparing coffee production designed to conserve forest-dependent wildlife. (i.e. Integrated Open Canopy™). (2021)
Authors: Jeffrey D. Ritterson, David I. King, Raul Raudales, Richard Trubey, and Richard B. Chandler.
Study that examines land-sharing models of forest conservation vs. land-sparing models, by analyzing and comparing bird population studies on shade coffee farms (land-sharing) with Integrated Open Canopy™ (IOC™) coffee farms (lands-sparing). (2013)
Authors: Richard B. Chandler, David I. King, Raul Raudales, Richard Trubey, Carlin Chandler, and Víctor Julio Chávez Arce.
Study that examines coffee’s global environmental impacts, including: energy, water, and land use, as well as loss of forest. Particular attention is paid to the unsustainable use of forest wood being as a main source of energy for processing coffee in Central America. (2009)
Authors: Víctor Julio Chávez Arce, Raul Raudales, Richard Trubey, David I. King, Richard B. Chandler, and Carlin C. Chandler.