Corridor Chatter

Find out what’s happening in the Corridor …

Tolupan Tribe Interested in Participating in Yoro Biological Corridor (5/21/2024) - A landmark meeting between three indigenous Tolupan tribes and Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) proponent Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) took place this month on May 2,… Read the rest!
Soil Carbon Certification with USAID (5/3/2024) - Comprehensive soil carbon training and methods are utilized by forest restoration teams working on Integrated Open Canopy™ (IOC™) coffee farming in the Yoro Biological Corridor… Read the rest!
Dr. Jane Goodall Joins Global Coffee Solution Using Coffee to Restore Forests (4/27/2024) - This Earth Day (April 22, 2024) published an exciting announcement that Dr. Jane Goodall, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of… Read the rest!
YBC @ Sustainable Coffee Challenge “All-Partner Meeting” (2024) (3/18/2024) - The Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) was once again represented at the annual, global “All-Partner Meeting” of the Sustainable Coffee Challenge (SCC); A two-day event that… Read the rest!
Official YBC Designation Has Reached Final Stage (3/1/2024) - Proponents of the Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) are celebrating because they have finally reached the last step in the submission process for obtaining the corridor's… Read the rest!
New Research Framework Led by Female Scientist (12/6/2023) - A new research framework designed to best respond to ecological threats across shared landscapes has been officially announced and published. The research is led by… Read the rest!
Coffee & Carbon Workshop @ Yale University (10/28/2023) - The Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI), proponent of the Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC), was invited to take part in Yale University's “Coffee & Carbon” workshop last… Read the rest!
New YBC Research Publication (9/29/2023) - A new scientific study that helps in validating the Yoro Model is out now! Published in August of this year in the Spanish academic journal… Read the rest!
Important 2023 Coffee Barometer Report Released (9/15/2023) - An important global coffee report that monitors sustainability claims was released yesterday, and paints the picture that the industry has reached a crisis point in… Read the rest!
IOC Study Results Presented at NA Bird Conference (8/19/2023) - A key topic of this year’s “leading North American ornithology conference” put a focus on “afforestation efforts to protect the Golden-winged Warbler”—And, more specifically, how… Read the rest!
Meeting of the 7 Commonwealth Municipalities (8/18/2023) - A total of 7 municipalities came together for a meeting in Meambar, Honduras that began with an hour-long presentation about the Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC)… Read the rest!
US Forest Service Compliance Audit: PASS (8/17/2023) - The US Forest Service carries out rigorous annual audits of its partners and Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) Co-developer, Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) passed, once again,… Read the rest!
Drone Pilot Training with FUNACH (7/15/2023) - Flying drones for forest-monitoring is no small undertaking, and relies on having well-trained pilots on-the-ground. Pilots with the Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI), who are working… Read the rest!
Meeting with Indigenous Tolupan Tribe (6/22/2023) - Meetings with local community members continue with the most recent being with indigenous tribe Tolupan. The Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) team met with the Directing… Read the rest!
Soil Carbon Training Underway (6/14/2023) - Yoro Biological Corridor coffee farmers and program participants have been engaging in scientific training for how to accurately analyze carbon in soil this past week.… Read the rest!
Addressing Water Issues with ‘Comunidad de Paya’ (6/12/2023) - Paying a visit to this vibrant community in the Yoro region, Honduras last week. The community, called 'Comunidad de Paya' resides within the borders of… Read the rest!
600 Coffee Farmers Surveyed for Opinion (5/14/2023) - Coffee farmers in the Yoro region of Honduras are showing an interest in adopting reforestation on their farms. This is indicated by the results of… Read the rest!
The Drones Have Landed (4/21/2023) - Drones are the latest addition to the Yoro Biological Corridor team, and everyone in the community is excited about them! These drones will be used… Read the rest!
Setting Up a New Field Station (4/20/2023) - Supplies are taking off from the city of Yoro to the small rural town of Subirana; the coffee-growing lands. And they’re arriving at a farm… Read the rest!
YBC Central Government Meetings (3/31/2023) - Proponents of the Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) are marching ahead with government support this month. Above: Meeting in the Central Government Office (ICF) in Yoro… Read the rest!
Second Round of Soil Samples (3/30/2023) - More soil collection is underway on IOC farms in the Yoro region of Honduras! Carried out by youth conservationists, this fieldwork is critical to accurately… Read the rest!
YBC @ Sustainable Coffee Challenge “All-Partner Meeting” (2023) (3/9/2023) - The Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) was represented at the annual, global “All-Partner Meeting" of the Sustainable Coffee Challenge (SCC); A two-day event that took place… Read the rest!
Not Your Typical Coffee Defect Analysis (2/28/2023) - As this year’s coffee harvest gets plucked from the trees, Integrated Open Canopy™ test farms are busily being studied! A defect analysis is underway here,… Read the rest!
First Soil Samples for Carbon Analysis Collected (11/21/2022) - There's more than just sustainable coffee in the Yoro Biological Corridor ... These are the very first soil samples collected from Integrated Open Canopy™ (IOC)… Read the rest!
Mayor of Yoro + Forest Co-Manager Meeting (10/19/2022) - A very productive meeting today between the Mayor of Yoro, Martha Puentes, and the Yoro Biological Corridor team (above). In addition to a National Park… Read the rest!
New YBC Scientist: Ana Quiñonez (3/17/2022) - Meet Ana Quiñonez and Fabiola Rodríguez! These two Honduran researchers are currently working on their doctoral degrees, studying the impacts of Integrated Open Canopy™ coffee… Read the rest!
National Science Foundation Partners with YBC Researchers (2/15/2022) - Yoro Biological Corridor (YBC) recently received National Science Foundation (NSF) recognition & support! As part of their 'Growing 'Convergence Research Project', NSF is funding a… Read the rest!